The Chick-Fil-A Calendar is coming and here is a sneak peek of what you can expect. Follow along each month as those bodacious bovines set off on an adventure. The Chick-Fil-A calendar is also full of money saving Chick-Fil-A discount coupons.
“Therez no ‘i’ in ‘teem,’ but ther r 2 in ‘chikin.’ Weer not shur exactlee whut that meenz, but itz reel importint 2 git everywunz cooperashun when it comes 2 eatin chikin.”
“Until everywun iz eatin chikin, hang in ther and alwayz put one hoof in frunt of tha othur. If u don’t, yer just gonna be standin there, and it getz pretty boring just standin there.”
“If therz one thing weev lernd, itz that life iz all abowt havin a reely gud ballence of two thingz – chikin and mor chikin.”
“If yer hesitant 2 switch 2 chikin, u mite az well test the waterz. Humanz r reely inspyred by othur humanz who eat chikin. Wave goodbye 2 burgerz. It will change yer lyfe.”
See more of the 2016 Chick-Fil-A Calendar at
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